I'm Nick Huber.

Developer & Consultant

I am a 5x Certified Salesforce Developer who utilizes the Salesforce platform's Full-Stack of technologies as well as Node.js, Twilio, Web API's, Stripe, Angular, Heroku, SQL, Wordpress, Chrome Extensions, Andriod, HTML5, and PHP to develop outstanding applications which improved day to day business for over 100+ clients now.

Having understood many modern design patterns and Full-Stack technologies I am skilled in spearheading any task while incorporating user and business requirements into cost-effective, secure and user-friendly solutions.

Personal Information

  • NameNick Huber
  • Age25 Years
  • EmailNick@Huber.codes
  • Freelance / ConsultingAvailable
My GitHub My LinkedIn


Backend Development

Languages and Technology
PHP, NodeJS, Python, Express, Serverless, MySQL, Git, BitBucket, Regex, SSL, Redis, AWS, Linux

Frontend Development

Languages and Technology
SASS, Less, JS/ES6, Grunt, Gulp, Angular, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, PhantomJS, Bootstrap, jQuery


Experience with
Lambda, API Gateways, S3 + event trigger setup, IAM, Policies, CloudWatch, EC2, ElastiCache, Elasticsearch, CodeDeploy


Experience with
Twilio, Stripe, Shopify, Wordpress, Email Services, Webhooks, MicroBilt, OAuth, SSL, Discord, and many more.

My Resume.


  • Salesforce Developer

    Advanced Recovery Systems, FL, USA

    Developed complex Apex, Visualforce, Android, Angular JS solutions for the companies needs. Used AWS to support processes on ARS's Wordpress sites. Developed REST & Soap classes to communicate with various API's. Use ETL tools like Jitterbit and PostgreSQL to implement all datapoints into salesforce. Completed advanced Salesforce Administrator tasks.

    2019 May 2018
  • Salesforce Developer

    Stony Point, Inc.

    Developed Apex, Visualforce, Javascript, Triggers that runs internal or client scenarios. Experience with Implementing 3rd Party API to Orgs, Creating custom Lighting components for use in communities and Apps following best practices, Experienced in converting Salesforce Classic functionality to Lighting Experience, Adept at using AWS (Lambda, S3, CloudFront) to increase the file size limit and accessibility of documents in Salesforce.

    2018 2015
  • Web Developer / Web Designer

    Billboard Rewards.com

    Billboard Rewards is A Premier Loyalty and Rewards Program Provider which includes: a Touch Screen Tablet and Customized Secure Locking Display Unit, Text and Email Campaigns, A Customized Slide Show or Video display and 24/7 Admin abilities.

    2015 2014
  • Senior Web Application Developer


    SoFitU allows users to Meet up for a quick game of basketball, Pair up and Find a workout buddy, or Team up to form an intramural sports team. I worked on this site with a group of programmers in college for Computer Science. We used the Yii Framework to accomplish this sites complex requirements.

    2014 2013


  • Information Systems Technology Associate in Science

    Seminole State College, Florida, USA

    Seminole State’s Associate in Science (A.S.) degree in Information Systems Technology provides students the skills and knowledge required to administer and manage local and wide area networks in multiple environments with an emphasis on the creation and maintenance of the database objects used to store, retrieve and manipulate data.

    2018 2017
  • Developer / Founder


    Generate buttons/links on the fly or via api that allows users to save events to various calendar services effectively and simple. Easily implement an event link or button for your page and allow guests to add this event to many different calendars LinkToCalendar supports Google Calendar, Outlook, Yahoo, and IOS.

    2018 2017
  • Developer / Founder


    QuestWorld.org is an in-browser massively multiplayer adventure game that makes extensive use of different web technologies like HTML5 Canvas, NodeJS, Web workers, LocalStorage, Redis, CSS3 Media Queries and HTML5 audio. It is powered by WebSockets, a new technology enabling bi-directional communication between a browser and a server on the web. Join today at Questworld.org

    2017 2010


Amazon Web Services















Free Calendar Api Service

You can create an event button or link that allows users to add the event to their calendar from email,event pages, registrations, newsletters, and blogs supports Outlook, Google Calendar, Apple, Yahoo.


Founder / Indie Game Developer

QuestWorld.org is an in-browser massively multiplayer adventure game that makes extensive use of different advanced web technologies enabling bi-directional communication between a browser and a server on the web.


Chrome Extension

PipControl is a Chrome Extention that allows you to watch videos in a floating window that is always ontop so you can keep an eye on what you want while interacting with websites or applications.



My personal Salesforce Developer Blog - This is a blog dedicated to helping others in Salesforce Development. I include code snippets, explainations for native methods, and solutions to popular use cases.



Sync Youtube Videos with Friends and chat in realtime! Simple interface and no registration required! The backend is all programmed in NodeJS and queues up all requested videos synced up for all.

Twitter Bot in NodeJS

Built in NodeJS and deployed to heroku my twitter is now 100% automated and gains me 20 new followers a week. It retweets popular tags I specify and automatically thanks people for following.

Salesforce Communities

Created many advanced Salesforce Communities with lightning components, Knowledge Articles, and Complex sharing rules.

Twilio Integrations

Integrated complete IVR solutions using Twilio in various platforms like Salesforce, Desktop Apps and in general Websites

Stripe Events in Salesforce

Created custom integrations to save events recieved in Stripe to resend nativly to salesforce so that you can relate puchases to records inside Salesforce.

Contact Me.

Let's Talk